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A Sneak Peak into Role of Generative AI for 3D Models

Generative AI for 3D Models combines artificial intelligence tobring 3D models to life. It is an intricate process but is fraught with limitations, which one needs to keep in mind while exploring this emerging technology.


Generative AI has brought about a sea change in the 3D Modelinglandscape by bringing 3D models to life. Technological advancements in generative adversarial networks (GANs), i.e., artificial intelligence (AI) that produces 3D models, have gained immense significance in recent years.

The market for generative AI for 3D models is expected to grow atthe rate of 20 percent annually by 2030. This implies that the market will take a giant leap from USD 1.88 billion to USD 9.04 billion by
the end of this period. Generative AI for 3D models is a landscape that has tremendous potential. Let’s explore further.

Generative AI for Creating 3D Models

Generative AI companies use algorithms to create 3D models. Theylearn from existing 3D data and produce new models that are similar to the original versions. The algorithms, also known as generative
models, are of two types: implicit and explicit generative models.

Implicit Generative Models

  • These models do not clearly represent the 3D shape of the object. They produce 2D images or
    voxels (3D pieces) that can be converted into 3D models.
  • GANs are one of the most popular implicit generative models. It comprises two neural networks;

Generator: The generator endeavors to createrealistic 2D images of 3D objects

Discriminator: The discriminator differentiatesbetween real and fake images.

  • The generator trains itself from the feedback of the discriminator and enhances its output.
  • GANs involve creating realistic faces, animals, landscapes, and other objects.
  • Techniques like depth estimation, silhouette extraction, or projection can be used to convert images.

Explicit Generative Models 

  • These models produce 3D shapes like meshes, point clouds, or primitives.
  • Variational Autoencoder (VAE) is a neural network that encodes a 3D shape into a low-dimensional vector and then decodes it back into a 3D shape.
  • VAEs can create 3D models of chairs, cars, airplanes, and other objects.

Training Generative AI for 3D Models

Training Generative AI for 3D models is a complicated andmeticulous process that requires carefully scrutinizing the datasets, model architecture, and machine learning methods. The key steps
involved in this process are outlined below.

Selection and preparation of datasets

This is a primary step that requires high-quality datasets totrain the generative model for creating 3D models. It involves collecting data and gathering 3D models from diverse sources and ensuring that models can be trained in diverse design situations.

Data standardization is the next step for ensuring consistency intraining. Finally, data augmentation involves variations of the original models, including varying textures, colors, or disfigured shapes, to make the model more robust.

Selection of model architecture

GANs and VAEs are the two architectures primarily used for 3Dgenerative tasks. The former is great for producing high-quality models comprising a generator and a discriminator working alongside to enhance the quality of generated outputs. The latter is great for dealing with complex distributions.

Model training

The model can be trained based on three key parameters: lossfunction and optimization, which involves defining suitable loss functions and optimizing algorithms; regularization and batch processing for training efficiency; and monitoring and evaluation for continuous monitoring of the training process.

Model fine-tuning

Model fine-tuning is key to 3D design tasks. Task-specifictraining involves fine-tuning it with datasets, which are key in these areas. Hyperparameter tuning involves looking for the best mix of output quality and efficiency. Finally, transfer learning involves pre-trained models to save time and computational resources.

Inferencing, Post-Processing, and Evaluation

Inferencing is used to generate designs and involves running thetrained model on new data to obtain the desired output. After model training and fine-tuning comes inferencing for generating designs.
The next step is post-processing, which involves the conversion of outputs produced during inferencing into 3D software or printing format.

The final step is evaluation. This involves assessing the qualityof produced designs via subjective evaluation and objective metrics. This helps ensure that the produced designs comply with the desired specifications and requirements.

Iterative improvement

After the initial training, the models require more cycles forfine-tuning or modifying datasets. This is driven by a process of feedback and evaluations which ensure seamless enhancement and adaptation to key requirements in 3D design contexts.

Applications of Generative AI for 3D Models

Generative AI companies play a key role in the 3D model landscapeby unveiling a new horizon of reativity and innovation. Generative AI has diverse applications for 3D models, ranging from video game development, film production, and architectural visualization to product design. Let’s look at generative AI’s role in the 3D models below:

Virtual worlds

Generative AI for 3D models plays a vital role in creatingimmersive virtual, augmented, and robotics experiences. It hastens the creation and editing processes in 3D Modeling.

Game development

This is reliant on managing an extensive range of 3D assets. The3D AI models help streamline the process, enhancing efficiency and allowing for a much more dynamic and engaging gaming environment.

Virtual production

This leverages 3D AI models for repurposing 3D and video content.It leads to the generation of repetitive content in movies and TV series and lowers the production time and costs.

Avatars, AI assistants, and digital agents

Generative AI for 3D models goes beyond text and speechgeneration. It combines with 3D character creation to offer options like avatars, AI assistants, and digital agents. The fusion of these allows for generating actions as well as suggested animations.

Real estate

Generative AI plays a key role in real estate by hastening andenhancing the viewing of buildings and apartments in 3D.


E-commerce greatly benefits from the use of visual information,which permits it to convert 2D images into 3D objects using Gen AI.

Limitations of Generative AI in 3D Models

Generative AI is moving at a phenomenal pace, with variousreleases being used more and more by diverse businesses. However, it does suffer from certain limitations, as discussed below.

Generated Output Quality

Generative AI may produce outputs containing errors or artifactsdue to various reasons, such as no data, poor training, or a very complicated model.

Control of Generated Outputs

Generative AI can only produce outputs that are similar to but notidentical to the input data. Controlling the key characteristics of the generated outputs may be very challenging.

Computational Requirements

Vast quantities of data and computational resources are requiredfor training Generative AI systems, which can prove costly and time-consuming.


Generative AI systems tend to replicate biases in their trainingdata, which can result in unfair or discriminatory outputs.

Explainability and Interpretability

The complexity and opaqueness of Generative AI models make ittough to comprehend how they make their predictions.

Safety and Security

Generative AI can assist in the malicious use of data to spreadmisinformation or propaganda by generating realistic and persuasive fake images, videos, and texts.

Future of 3D Models with Generative AI

Generative AI has demonstrated its amazing potential in reshapingindustries, economies, and societies. Researchers and technological firms are constantly realizing that it will soon be able to replace humans by undertaking physical and cognitive tasks.

Social and environmental issues must be paramount to ensure globaldisparities between rich and poor, environmental damage, etc., are addressed. Leaders across the globe must collaborate and navigate the pitfalls and opportunities offered by generative AI to ensure a future that benefits everyone.


Generative AI companies are fast growing and tapping into thepotential of this great technology to stay ahead in the race. However, given this technology’s promising capabilities, they must err on the side of caution.

To maintain transparency and explainability, companies mustconsider the ethical implications of this technology. Generative AI companies must also ensure their policies and business objectives
closely align with public preferences and opinions.